Why does local food cost more than that which we buy from the grocery store? In this workshop, learn about industrialized food production systems and the benefits of buying from local farmers.
In this workshop farmer Gene Jonas will share with you information he obtained from reports that used true cost accounting techniques that holistically analyzed the costs of the industrialized food production systems that dominate that landscape today.
Additional information attained from articles, books, and other sources that shed light on the reality of the industrial food system that predominates our society will also be presented. Whether you are an advocate of local food, a local farmer, or a home grower, this talk will hopefully convince you that often times the food you buy from local farmers is the best bang for the buck, especially if it grown to organic standards.
Gene Jonas and his wife Marilyn have owned and operated Hungry Bear Farm in Wilton and Mason NH since 2009. For 14 years they have grown a wide variety of produce to organic standards and sold them to the community in which they live through markets, CSA and wholesaling to local businesses. They remain dedicated to their farm and continue using practices which have enabled them to provide high quality real food grown with integrity to all who wish to enjoy it.
Learn more: https://hungrybearfarm.com/
Peterborough Town Library, located downtown at the corner of Main and Concord/Rt 202, has a large meeting room, study rooms, classroom, and a board room available to the public.