Katina Makris has worked in natural healthcare for 35+ years as a seasoned holistic practitioner. She is a healer, author, and international teacher. She will speak on the mind body spirit pathway.
Katina Makris, a Peterborough resident, will offer this free workshop about reconnecting with the inner qualities we are innately born with that cultivate resilience, yet our culture has becoming complacent with, especially regarding chronic illness, depression, traumas.
She will speak on the connection between mind, body and spirit and how health improves when we tend to each area.
About Katina Makris:
Katina Makris is the author of four books including two renowned books about Lyme disease, including Autoimmune Illness and Lyme Disease Recovery Guide: Mending the Body, Mind, and Spirit. Her latest book is Loving Yourself Enough to Thrive, a guided journal. Find it here.
She is a board member of the Council for Homeopathic Certification and gives lectures and workshops internationally on the subject of Lyme and other autoimmune diseases. She is the host of Lyme Light Radio, syndicated by the Dr. Pat Show, which has an estimated ten million listeners worldwide.
Learn more at her website: https://katinamakris.com/.
About Peterborough Presents:
Peterborough Presents was designed to give a platform to the many local people who want to teach or share. You do not have to have a polished presentation, you just need to be passionate, comfortable speaking to a group, and have a presentation that the community will learn from and enjoy. To find out more about how to pitch your presentation, visit our Peterborough Presents page.
Peterborough Town Library, located downtown at the corner of Main and Concord/Rt 202, has a large meeting room, study rooms, classroom, and a board room available to the public.