The Peterborough Town Library is happy to help support your family on their homeschooling journey.
We welcome all families to attend our Storytimes, use their library card to borrow books, and ask for help finding information on specific topics – we love finding just the right book for each reader!
Don’t see what you’re looking for in our catalog?
You can request up to three books at a time through our Interlibrary Loan System, just use this form!
In New Hampshire a parent is eligible under the Administrative Rules, Ed 315 to establish a home education program for a child between 6 and 18 years of age including an "educationally disabled child" as defined under RSA 186-C:2,I, provided that the definition of "educationally disabled child" as defined under RSA 186-C:2,I, for the purposes of Ed 315, shall be applicable only to children between 6 and 18 years of age.
For more information on how to register your child for home education check out the NH Home Education Advisory Council.
For a great FAQ and information on how to get started as well as curriculum information, extra-curricular activities, and a lot more, check out the NH Homeschool Coalition.
Looking for more support? Granite State Home Educators are an all-volunteer statewide grassroots organization created to support and empower parents who wish to actively direct their children's education through homeschooling.
There are a lot of local families that homeschool in the Monadnock Region, we have found that the best place to connect with them is in their Facebook Groups:
Monadnock Area Homeschooling Families
Monadnock Homeschool Co-op
Monadnock Homeschoolers
Group on MeWe:
Monadnock Homeschoolers
The New Hampshire Early Learning Standards are a statewide resource for everyone who loves, cares for, and educates young children.
The Standards provide essential information to support and enhance children’s development and learning.
Click here to visit the website.